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Learn more about our Cleaning Solutions

Solutions Sealers produce a complete range of products to help you get the job done

Daily Cleaners

Regular use of our specialised cleaners helps prolong the life of the sealant and keeps your surfaces looking their best. They effectively remove everyday dirt and spills without harsh chemicals that might degrade the sealer or harm the natural beauty of the stone or concrete. 

Regular use of these specialised cleaners helps prolong the life of the sealant and keeps the surfaces looking their best.
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Deep Cleaners

Deep cleaners play a vital role in maintaining the material's integrity and appearance. These cleaners are formulated to tackle tougher, ingrained dirt and stains that daily cleaners might not fully address. They penetrate deeper into the surface, effectively breaking down and lifting heavy soiling, grease, or other stubborn residues. Despite their strength, quality deep cleaners are designed to be safe for use on sealed surfaces, ensuring that the sealer's protective qualities are not compromised. Regular use of deep cleaners can rejuvenate and refresh the appearance of stone and concrete surfaces, contributing to their longevity and aesthetic appeal, especially in high-traffic or heavily used areas.
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